Class UData

  extended by com.jstatcom.util.UData

public final class UData
extends java.lang.Object

This class contains a collection of methods to be used with JSCData objects. Some methods are directly related to time series analysis. The methods defined here should help to prepare parameters for procedure calls, as well as to make simple data transformations often needed to prepare input panels. They are not used as often as to make them part of particular JSCData implementations.

Markus Kraetzig

Method Summary
static JSCSArray appendSuffix(JSCSArray arg, java.lang.String suffix, java.lang.String newName)
          Creates a new data object with suffix being appended to all string elements in arg.
static JSCNArray createDeterministic(TSDateRange range, JSCNArray dummies, boolean isIntercept, boolean isSeasDum, boolean isSeasDumCentered, boolean isTrend, java.lang.String newName)
          Creates a data object with the deterministic variables to be used for estimation according to the parametrization.
static JSCNArray createResMat(JSCNArray det, JSCNArray end, JSCNArray ex, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a restriction matrix to be used for model estimation.
static JSCNArray[] createYZMat(JSCNArray detData, JSCNArray endData, JSCNArray exData, int endLags, int exLags, java.lang.String yName, java.lang.String zName)
          Creates the Y and Z matrices to be used for estimation.
static boolean hasFullColumnRank(JSCNArray arg, int truncationLag)
          Checks the rank of arg after deleting the first truncationLag rows of it.
static JSCNArray[] imp2ExpRes(JSCNArray res, JSCNArray r)
          Gets the explicit representation of restrictions on the cointegrating space, given the implicit representation.
static JSCNArray indexData(JSCNArray arg, java.lang.String newName)
          Gets a new array with the elements of arg being transformed into an index with the mean of each column being normalized to +100 or -100, depending on the sign of the mean.
static JSCData[] mergeTS(JSCSArray namesOfData, java.lang.String nameDat, java.lang.String nameRange)
          Merges time series with possibly different length and fills them with missing values at the beginning and/or the end.
static JSCNArray[] splitDeterministics(JSCNArray dets, boolean zeroBased)
          Takes an array with deterministic terms and computes indices for the breaks of all dummy variables.
static JSCNArray standardize(JSCNArray dat, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a new data object with the elements of dat divided by the standard devitation of the respective columns of dat.
static java.lang.String stringForArray(JSCSArray data)
          String representation of the first row of a string data object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static JSCSArray appendSuffix(JSCSArray arg,
                                     java.lang.String suffix,
                                     java.lang.String newName)
Creates a new data object with suffix being appended to all string elements in arg.

arg - the original data object
suffix - the string to be appended to all elements of arg
newName - the name of the new data object to be created
a new data object with the changed string elements
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if (arg == null || suffix == null || newName == null) or if arg is not of a string type


public static JSCNArray createDeterministic(TSDateRange range,
                                            JSCNArray dummies,
                                            boolean isIntercept,
                                            boolean isSeasDum,
                                            boolean isSeasDumCentered,
                                            boolean isTrend,
                                            java.lang.String newName)
Creates a data object with the deterministic variables to be used for estimation according to the parametrization. The data object is constructed in the order dummies~intercept~seasonal dummies~trend, where each component may be there or not. If nothing is specified, an empty data object is returned.

range - the TSDateRange defining start and end
dummies - impulse and shift dummies, or other manually specified deterministics, can be either empty or null
isIntercept - true if a constant should be included
isSeasDum - true if seasonal dummies should be included, this automatically sets isIntercept=true as well, false otherwise
isSeasDumCentered - true if centered seasonal dummies should be used, only if (isSeasDum)
isTrend - true if a trend should be included
newName - the name of the new data object to create
a new data object containing the deterministics for an estimation dummies~intercept~seasonal dummies~trend
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if (newName == null || range == null) or if the number of observations in dummies does not fit with range


public static JSCNArray createResMat(JSCNArray det,
                                     JSCNArray end,
                                     JSCNArray ex,
                                     java.lang.String name)
Creates a restriction matrix to be used for model estimation. The restriction matrix R is implicitely defined by vec(B)=R*gamma+r, where R is a (K(K*py + d + X(px+1)) x M) matrix with: See also H. Lütkepohl, Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis, 5.2.1. The suggested order of the restrictions can freely be set by rearranging the input data objects (exchanging det, end, ex). This method only supports exclusion restrictions for certain coefficients .

det - K x d matrix containing zeros and ones to exclude the respective coefficient for the deterministics
end - K x K*py matrix containing zeros and ones to exclude the respective coefficient for the endogenous part
ex - K x X(px+1) matrix containing zeros and ones to exclude the respective coefficient for the exogenous part
name - the name of the data object to create
a new data object containing the restriction matrix, is empty if the input data objects are empty or if they do not contain any restrictions
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if (name == null || det == null || end == null || ex == null )


public static JSCNArray[] createYZMat(JSCNArray detData,
                                      JSCNArray endData,
                                      JSCNArray exData,
                                      int endLags,
                                      int exLags,
                                      java.lang.String yName,
                                      java.lang.String zName)
Creates the Y and Z matrices to be used for estimation. For the definition of Z see Helmut Lütkepohl, Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis, 10.3. The input data objects must contain the same number of observations including the presample values which will be truncated according to the maximum number of endogenous/exogenous lags.

The order of the variables within Z must be det|end|ex. If subset restrictions are set, then this must correspond to the ordering of R.

The following symbols are defined:

detData - data object with dimension T + Math.max(endLags, exLags) x D
endData - data object with dimension T + Math.max(endLags, exLags) x K, must not be empty
exData - data object with dimension T + Math.max(endLags, exLags) x X
endLags - number of endogenous lags in levels
exLags - number of exogenous lags in levels
yName - name of data object for Y matrix
zName - name of data object for Z matrix
2 x 1 array of data objects with the created matrices {Y, Z}
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if one of the arguments was null or if (endLags < 0 || exLags < 0) or if (endData.isEmpty()) or if the dimensions of the nonempty data objects are not the same or if there are too many lags for the given sample dize


public static boolean hasFullColumnRank(JSCNArray arg,
                                        int truncationLag)
Checks the rank of arg after deleting the first truncationLag rows of it. Returns whether the rank is equal to arg.getCols().

arg - the data object to be checked for column rank
truncationLag - the number of rows to delete from arg before checking the rank
true if rank(arg) == >arg.getCols(), false otherwise
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if (arg == null) or if (truncationLag < 0) or if (arg.isEmpty())


public static JSCNArray[] imp2ExpRes(JSCNArray res,
                                     JSCNArray r)
Gets the explicit representation of restrictions on the cointegrating space, given the implicit representation.
Implicit Representation: res*vec(beta') = r
Explicit Representation: vec(beta') =H*eta + h, with eta being the free parameters.

In the context of cointegration analysis, beta is the part of the Beta matrix in Beta = [I_r : beta], because the first r columns of Beta are normalized, with r being the cointegration rank. eta are the elements of beta that are freely estimated after imposing the restrictions.

res - the matrix with implicit restrictions (J x K-r)
r - a vector with numbers (J x 1)
a 3 x 1 array of data objects with H, a vector of zeros and ones selecting the free elements of vec(beta') and h, respectively
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if (res == null || r == null) or if (res.getRows() != r.getRows()) or if res contains restrictions that are linearly dependent


public static JSCNArray indexData(JSCNArray arg,
                                  java.lang.String newName)
Gets a new array with the elements of arg being transformed into an index with the mean of each column being normalized to +100 or -100, depending on the sign of the mean. This is usefull to compare series which differ greatly in levels. The index is computed as arg[i][j] * 100 / mean[j]

arg - the data object with the numbers to be transformed to an index
newName - the name of the new data object to be created
a new data object with the indexed numbers
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if (arg == null || newName == null)


public static JSCData[] mergeTS(JSCSArray namesOfData,
                                java.lang.String nameDat,
                                java.lang.String nameRange)
Merges time series with possibly different length and fills them with missing values at the beginning and/or the end.

namesOfData - data object with the names of the time series in the TSHolder
nameDat - name of the new data object which holds the observations
nameRange - name of the new data object which holds the date range
a 2 x 1 array of data objects, the 1st element holds the observations, the 2nd element holds the earliest date of all time series defined by namesOfData
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if (namesOfData == null || nameDat == null || nameRange == null)


public static JSCNArray[] splitDeterministics(JSCNArray dets,
                                              boolean zeroBased)
Takes an array with deterministic terms and computes indices for the breaks of all dummy variables. Recognized variables are impulse, extended impulse, shift dummies, and trend breaks. All other variables are ignored.

This method splits the data object with deterministic variables into the following data objects:

This method works only with impulse, extended impulse and shift dummies, not with seasonal summies, trend, or other deterministic variables. The following rules hold:

dets - the data object containing the deterministic variables
zeroBased - whether zero based index should be used, if false then 1 based index is used (like in Gauss)
4x1 array of data objects {impulse indices, extended impulse start/end indices, shift start indices, trend break indices}
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if (dets == null)


public static JSCNArray standardize(JSCNArray dat,
                                    java.lang.String name)
Creates a new data object with the elements of dat divided by the standard devitation of the respective columns of dat.

dat - the original data object
name - the name of the new data object to create
a new data object with all elements standardized
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if (dat == null || name == null)


public static java.lang.String stringForArray(JSCSArray data)
String representation of the first row of a string data object. The elements are just printed space separated.

data - array containing names
string with names, for example "y x invest cons"
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if (array == null)