ABOUTIMAGE - Static variable in class com.jstatcom.component.TopFrame
ABOUTINFO - Static variable in class com.jstatcom.component.TopFrame
AbstractConfigPanel - Class in com.jstatcom.engine
This class should be subclassed by panels laying out an input mask to collect configuration information.
AbstractConfigPanel() - Constructor for class com.jstatcom.engine.AbstractConfigPanel
Invokes superclass constructor.
AbstractImportPanel - Class in com.jstatcom.io
Abstract panel for import data functionality.
AbstractImportPanel() - Constructor for class com.jstatcom.io.AbstractImportPanel
AbstractJSCData - Class in com.jstatcom.model
Abstract implementation of JSCData which provides default functionality for handling the different listeners.
AbstractJSCData() - Constructor for class com.jstatcom.model.AbstractJSCData
accept(File) - Method in class com.jstatcom.io.ExtensionFileFilter
Return true if this file should be shown in the directory pane, false if it shouldn't.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.jstatcom.component.CardPanelAction
Invoked when this action is called.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.jstatcom.component.JHelpAction
Action method that is invoked, when an action event is catched.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.jstatcom.table.JSCPopupTypes
DataTablePopupTypes implement ActionListener and can therefore register themselves as listeners, for example with the menu items that are added to them.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.jstatcom.ts.TSActionTypes
Tries to retrieve TSList and triggers doAction.
add(JMenuItem) - Method in class com.jstatcom.component.AutoEnableMenu
Overwrites superclass method to register itself as property change listener to newly added menus.
add(PCall) - Method in class com.jstatcom.engine.PCall
Adds another call object that will be executed if this call finished successfully.
add(double) - Method in class com.jstatcom.util.FArg
Adds a new double argument to be formatted.
add(int) - Method in class com.jstatcom.util.FArg
Adds a new int argument to be formatted.
add(Object) - Method in class com.jstatcom.util.FArg
Adds a new Object argument to be formatted.
add(double[][], double) - Static method in class com.jstatcom.util.UMatrix
Adds the scalar toAdd to a copy of the array arg.
addColumn(TableColumn) - Method in class com.jstatcom.equation.SubMatModel
Adds only those columns that are in the sub matrix range.
addExtension(String) - Method in class com.jstatcom.io.ExtensionFileFilter
Adds a filetype "dot" extension to filter against.
addJSCDataListener(JSCDataListener, JSCDataEventTypes) - Method in class com.jstatcom.model.AbstractJSCData
addJSCDataListener(JSCDataListener, JSCDataEventTypes) - Method in interface com.jstatcom.model.JSCData
Adds a listener that is notified when changes of type evtType occur in this object.
addListener(JSCDataListener, JSCDataEventTypes) - Method in class com.jstatcom.model.JSCDataEventSupport
Adds evtListener to the list of listeners for events of type evtType.
addListener(SymbolListener, SymbolEventTypes) - Method in class com.jstatcom.model.SymbolEventSupport
Adds evtListener to the list of listeners for events of type evtType.
addModuleNode(ModuleTreeNode) - Method in class com.jstatcom.project.ProjectTree
Adds a node to this tree that represents a module.
addNotify() - Method in class com.jstatcom.component.CheckBoxList
Overrides addNotify to retrieve data objects as soon as the component hierarchy is established.
addNotify() - Method in class com.jstatcom.component.IValTextField
Calls supermethod and finds window to set as parent for potential error messages.
addNotify() - Method in class com.jstatcom.component.NumSelector
Overrides addNotify to retrieve data objects as soon as the component hierarchy is established.
addNotify() - Method in class com.jstatcom.component.SymbolDisplay
Overrides addNotify to retrieve data objects as soon as the component hierarchy is established.
addNotify() - Method in class com.jstatcom.equation.EqTermAR
Calls supermethod and updates layout in a new thread.
addNotify() - Method in class com.jstatcom.model.ModelPanel
Calls supermethod and finds parent instance of SymbolScope.
addNotify() - Method in class com.jstatcom.table.JSCAbstractDataTable
Overwrites supermethod to retrieve symbol table from component hierarchy if this table is displayed.
addOutput(OutputData) - Method in class com.jstatcom.project.OutputList
Adds an output element to this list.
addOutputData(OutputData) - Method in class com.jstatcom.project.Project
Adds a new output data element to this project.
addPackagePrefix(String, String) - Method in class com.jstatcom.project.ProjectManager
Adds a package prefix.
addPCallListener(PCallListener) - Method in class com.jstatcom.engine.PCall
Registers listener l such that it will receive notifications.
addPeriods(int) - Method in class com.jstatcom.model.JSCDate
Adds i periods to this date.
addPeriods(int) - Method in class com.jstatcom.ts.TSDate
Adds n periods to a copy of the TSDate object.
addPeriodsToStart(int) - Method in class com.jstatcom.ts.TSDateRange
Gets a new TSDateRange range object with the start date shifted by periods.
addProjectData(ProjectData) - Method in class com.jstatcom.project.Project
Adds project data to this project.
addProjectNode(ProjectTreeNode) - Method in class com.jstatcom.project.ProjectTree
Adds a project node to this tree.
addProjectState(ProjectState) - Method in class com.jstatcom.project.Project
Adds a new project state to this project.
addProjectStateHandler(ProjectStateHandler) - Method in class com.jstatcom.project.ProjectManager
Adds a project state handler, typically a modelling module, to the list of all handlers.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.jstatcom.ts.TS
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.jstatcom.ts.TSHolder
addSettingsElement(SettingsElement) - Method in class com.jstatcom.project.Settings
Adds a SettingsElement object to this.
addSRCFile(String) - Method in class com.jstatcom.engine.gauss.GCGSet
Adds an src file to the list.
addSRCLibMapping(String, String) - Method in class com.jstatcom.engine.gauss.LIBSet
Adds a sourcefile - libraryname mapping to the list.
addSymbol(Symbol) - Method in class com.jstatcom.model.control.SymbolTableTreeNode
Adds a symbol to this node.
addSymbolListener(SymbolListener) - Method in class com.jstatcom.model.Symbol
Convenience method that adds a listener that is notified when changes of type VALUE_CHANGED occur in this object.
addSymbolListener(SymbolListener, SymbolEventTypes) - Method in class com.jstatcom.model.Symbol
Adds a listener that is notified when changes of type evtType occur in this object.
addSymbolPanel(JSCTypes, SymbolPanel) - Method in class com.jstatcom.model.control.SymbolFrame
Sets the panel to be displayed for a certain data type.
addSymbolTable(SymbolTable) - Method in class com.jstatcom.model.control.SymbolTree
Adds the symbol table to this tree.
addTS(TS) - Method in class com.jstatcom.ts.TSHolder
Adds a new TS to this TSHolder.
addTS(TS) - Method in class com.jstatcom.ts.TSProject
Adds a time series to this project.
addTSAction(TSActionTypes) - Method in class com.jstatcom.ts.DefaultTSListPopup
Adds an action to this popup menu.
addTSActionAt(TSActionTypes, int) - Method in class com.jstatcom.ts.DefaultTSListPopup
Adds an action to this popup menu at a given index.
addTSMenu(TSMenuTypes) - Method in class com.jstatcom.ts.DefaultTSListPopup
Adds a menu to this popup menu.
addTSMenuAt(TSMenuTypes, int) - Method in class com.jstatcom.ts.DefaultTSListPopup
Adds a menu to this popup menu at a given index.
adjustBeginLineColumn(int, int) - Method in class com.jstatcom.parser.SimpleCharStream
Method to adjust line and column numbers for the start of a token.
adjustConfig() - Method in class com.jstatcom.engine.ConfigHolder
Creates a dialog to change the configuration settings for the respective engine.
ALL_TS_REMOVED - Static variable in class com.jstatcom.ts.TSHolder
append(String) - Method in class com.jstatcom.component.LogFrame
Appends text to the log that is made visible in a text area, where it can be cleared or saved.
append(String) - Method in interface com.jstatcom.component.OutHolder
Appends the output string to this output assembler.
append(String) - Method in class com.jstatcom.component.ResultField
Appends text to the text area and scrolls to the end if necessary by setting the caret position.
append(String) - Method in class com.jstatcom.component.SystemOutHolder
Redirects out to System.out.
append(String) - Method in class com.jstatcom.io.LogFrame
Appends text to the log that is made visible in a text area, where it can be cleared or saved.
append(String) - Method in interface com.jstatcom.io.Logger
Appends a message to a log.
append(String) - Method in interface com.jstatcom.io.RedirectReceiver
Appends a message.
appendCols(JSCNArray) - Method in class com.jstatcom.model.JSCNArray
Appends newCols to the right end of the value array.
appendCols(JSCSArray) - Method in class com.jstatcom.model.JSCSArray
Appends newCols to the right end of the value array.
appendDoubleCols(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class com.jstatcom.util.UMatrix
Appends toAppend to the columns of orig and returns the new merged array.
appendDoubleRows(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class com.jstatcom.util.UMatrix
Appends toAppend to the rows of orig and returns the new merged array.
appendRows(JSCNArray) - Method in class com.jstatcom.model.JSCNArray
Appends newRows to the bottom the value array.
appendRows(JSCSArray) - Method in class com.jstatcom.model.JSCSArray
Appends newRows to the bottom the value array.
appendStringCols(String[][], String[][]) - Static method in class com.jstatcom.util.UStringArray
Appends toAppend to the columns of orig and returns the new merged array.
appendStringRows(String[][], String[][]) - Static method in class com.jstatcom.util.UStringArray
Appends toAppend to the rows of orig and returns the new merged array.
appendSuffix(JSCSArray, String, String) - Static method in class com.jstatcom.util.UData
Creates a new data object with suffix being appended to all string elements in arg.
appendSuffix(String[][], String) - Static method in class com.jstatcom.util.UStringArray
Appends suffix to the elements of orig and returns the new string array.
appendSuffix(String[], String) - Static method in class com.jstatcom.util.UStringArray
Appends suffix to the elements of orig and returns the new string array.
appendWithoutScroll(String) - Method in class com.jstatcom.component.ResultField
Appends text to the text area without scrolling to the end.
AppSettings - Class in com.jstatcom.component
Holds user set properties.
AppSettings() - Constructor for class com.jstatcom.component.AppSettings
Default constructor.
AppSettings(AppSettings) - Constructor for class com.jstatcom.component.AppSettings
Copy constructor.
AppSettings_XML - Static variable in class com.jstatcom.component.AppSettings
XML format field for (de)serialization.
AppSettingsDialog - Class in com.jstatcom.component
A dialog for setting user defined properties.
AppSettingsDialog(Frame) - Constructor for class com.jstatcom.component.AppSettingsDialog
This method initializes
AS_EXPR - Static variable in class com.jstatcom.engine.rstat.RArgProps
Legal values are boolean values true and false.
AS_FORMULA - Static variable in class com.jstatcom.engine.rstat.RArgProps
Legal values are boolean values true and false.
AutoEnableMenu - Class in com.jstatcom.component
This class provides a JMenu that gets enabled if at least one item belonging to it becomes enabled.
AutoEnableMenu() - Constructor for class com.jstatcom.component.AutoEnableMenu
See JMenu default constructor.
AutoEnableMenu(String) - Constructor for class com.jstatcom.component.AutoEnableMenu
See JMenu(String s) constructor.
AutoEnableMenu(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.jstatcom.component.AutoEnableMenu
See JMenu(String s, boolean b) constructor.