Uses of Class

Packages that use ImportTypes Input/output related classes as well as data import implementations. 

Uses of ImportTypes in

Subclasses of ImportTypes in
 class TSImportTypes
          Defines the elements of an imported dataset to be used for time series analysis.

Methods in with parameters of type ImportTypes
 JSCData TSMatlabHandler.getData(ImportTypes type)
          Gets the imported data according to an instance of TSImportTypes.
 JSCData TSGaussFMTHandler.getData(ImportTypes type)
          Gets the imported data according to an instance of TSImportTypes.
 JSCData TSGaussDATHandler.getData(ImportTypes type)
          Gets the imported data according to an instance of TSImportTypes.
 JSCData TSExcelHandler.getData(ImportTypes type)
          Gets the imported data according to an instance of TSImportTypes.
 JSCData TSASCIIHandler.getData(ImportTypes type)
          Gets the imported data according to an instance of TSImportTypes.
 JSCData DataHandler.getData(ImportTypes type)
          Gets the imported data according to the respective type, which defines the kind of information to retrieve from the imported dataset.