
Input/output related classes as well as data import implementations.


Interface Summary
DataHandler Interface to be implemented by classes that initiate parsing of data files and the creation of datasets.
Logger Simple interface to be implemented by components that process log strings.
RedirectReceiver Simple interface to be implemented by components that process redirected output from Stdout and Stderr.

Class Summary
AbstractImportPanel Abstract panel for import data functionality.
ExcelHelper Helper methods for dealing with Excel files.
ExtensionFileFilter A convenience implementation of FileFilter that filters out all files except for those type extensions that it knows about.
FileSupport Support for convenient file selection.
FileSupportSettings Holds information for the FileSupport class about the location of selected files that should be stored between application runs.
ImportDataFrame The Frame containing the import data functionality.
ImportTypes Abstract class for definitions of different types of elements that belong to a certain dataset.
IOTest This is a set of tests for the package.
IOTestExpImp Tests data export and afterwards import of all implemented data handlers.
LogFrame Frame that can be used as a log area for various kinds of messages.
RedirectOutput Helper class to redirect stdout and stderr to a log file and/or a receiver component.
TSASCIIHandler Import handler for ASCII data files that either contain only the data points or are in the DAT format.
TSDataDialog A dialog for gathering user information if a pure ASCII file is read in.
TSExcelDialog A dialog for gathering user information if an EXCEL file is read in.
TSExcelHandler Import handler for Excel data files.
TSGaussDATHandler Class for importing files from Gauss .dat data set files.
TSGaussFMTHandler Class for importing files from Gauss .fmt files.
TSImportPanel Panel for importing and displaying data files for time series analysis.
TSImportTypes Defines the elements of an imported dataset to be used for time series analysis.
TSMatlabHandler Handles export and import of Matlab .mat files Level 5, according to the specification document "MAT-File Format Version 7" by Mathworks.

Enum Summary
DataHandlerTypes Enumeration of all data handler types.
FileTypes Enumeration of handled filetypes.

Package Description

Input/output related classes as well as data import implementations.