Package com.jstatcom.model

Data model and Symbol Management systems.


Interface Summary
JSCData Defines the contract for all data types to be used with Engine, Symbol and SymbolTable.
JSCDataListener Must be implemented by listeners that need to be notified about changes in JSCData objects.
SymbolListener Must be implemented by listeners that need to be notified about changes in Symbol objects.
SymbolScope An interface to be implemented by components that provide access to a hierarchy of symbol tables.

Class Summary
AbstractJSCData Abstract implementation of JSCData which provides default functionality for handling the different listeners.
JSCConstants This class contains miscellaneous constants for the data model.
JSCDataEvent Events of this type are fired by JSCData objects to notify listeners like JSCSymbol objects about changes of various kinds.
JSCDataEventSupport A support class for JSCData objects that manages adding, removing and notification of the different JSCDataListener.
JSCDataEventTypes This enumeration contains all existing JSCDataEvent types, that a JSCDataListener can be registered to.
JSCDate Adapter to TSDate objects that conforms to the JSCData interface.
JSCDRange Adapter to TSDateRange objects that conforms to the JSCData interface.
JSCInt An integer representation that conforms to the JSCData interface.
JSCMap An object wrapper that conforms to the JSCData interface.
JSCNArray A wrapper for 2-dimensional number arrays that conforms to the JSCData interface.
JSCNumber A number representation that conforms to the JSCData interface.
JSCPropertyTypes This class contains an enumeration of constants that define properties that can be set for a JSCData object.
JSCSArray A wrapper for string arrays that conforms to the JSCData interface.
JSCSArray.Row Inner class for storing rows of this array as XML elements.
JSCString A string wrapper that conforms to the JSCData interface.
JSCTypeDef Defines a type to be used with a symbol table.
JSCTypes This enumeration contains all existing JSCData types.
JSCVoid An object wrapper that conforms to the JSCData interface.
ModelFrame An internal frame that can be used as top level container for modules in the JStatCom framework.
ModelPanel Panel to be used by components that need access to the symbol table hierarchy.
ModelTest This is a set of tests for the model package.
ModelTest1 This is a set of tests for the model package.
NumberRange This class specifies an interval defined by two numbers and a type and provides methods to validate numbers and other NumberRange instances against it.
NumberRangeTypes This class contains an enumeration of constants that define different types of number ranges.
Scope This typesave enumeration contains all existing Scope types.
Symbol The Symbol class represents a variable with a certain type and name.
SymbolEvent Events of this type are fired by Symbol objects to notify listeners about changes of various kinds.
SymbolEventSupport A support class for Symbol objects that manages adding, removing and notification of the different SymbolListener.
SymbolEventTypes This enumeration contains all existing SymbolEvent types, that a SymbolListener can be registered to.
SymbolTable This class contains a sorted collection of Symbol objects that can easily be accessed.

Package com.jstatcom.model Description

Data model and Symbol Management systems.