Uses of Class

Packages that use JSCDataEvent
com.jstatcom.model Data model and Symbol Management systems. 

Uses of JSCDataEvent in com.jstatcom.model

Methods in com.jstatcom.model that return JSCDataEvent
static JSCDataEvent JSCDataEvent.valueOfChanged(JSCData source, java.lang.Object oldValue, java.lang.Object newValue)
          Gets an instance of this for events of type JSCDataEventTypes.VALUE_CHANGED.
static JSCDataEvent JSCDataEvent.valueOfEmptyState(JSCData source, boolean isEmptyNow)
          Gets an instance of this for events of type JSCDataEventTypes.EMPTY_STATE.

Methods in com.jstatcom.model with parameters of type JSCDataEvent
 void JSCDataEventSupport.dispatchEvent(JSCDataEvent evt)
          Dispatches evt by calling valueChanged of all registered listeners to events of type evt.getType.
 void Symbol.valueChanged(JSCDataEvent evt)
          Transforms evt to the respective SymbolEvent and dispatches it to the SymbolListeners.
 void JSCDataListener.valueChanged(JSCDataEvent evt)
          Called when a JSCData object fires a JSCDataEvent of a JSCDataEventType that this object has registered to via JSCData.addJSCDataListener.
static SymbolEvent SymbolEvent.valueOfJSCDataEvent(Symbol source, JSCDataEvent evt)
          Gets an instance of this for events of type JSCDataEvent.