Package com.jstatcom.project

Project and settings management systems.


Interface Summary
ProjectData Interface to be implemented for all project data types.
ProjectDataHandler Interface to be implemented by shared data repositories that hold the project data and that should interact with the project management system.
ProjectState Abstract class for defining the state of a module.
ProjectStateHandler Interface to be implemented by classes that should save and restore their state from an instance of ProjectState.
SettingsElement Represents runtime information that should be stored permanently between two program runs.

Class Summary
ModuleTreeNode A tree node that represents a loaded JStatCom module.
OutputData Holds data that is represented by an element in the OutputList.
OutputFrame Frame to hold the list with all output elements.
OutputList Singleton list for holding output nodes.
OutputPanel Panel to display the actual output that has been selected in the OutputList.
Project Holds all elements that make up a project.
ProjectDataManager Singleton mediator class for managing setting and getting of all project data to and from the respective handlers.
ProjectDataTypes This enumeration contains all existing ProjectData types.
ProjectDialog A dialog for editing project settings.
ProjectManager Manages storing and retrieving project data and project states for all modules.
ProjectNodePopup Popup menu that is invoked when right clicking on a project tree node.
ProjectTests Test cases for project package.
ProjectTree A JTree for project and module management.
ProjectTreeNode A tree node that represents a project.
Settings Represents all settings that should be stored permanently between different program runs.
SettingsManager Singleton class that manages storing and retrieving of settings that should be kept permanently between two program runs.

Package com.jstatcom.project Description

Project and settings management systems.