Uses of Class

Packages that use JSCTypes
com.jstatcom.engine Abstract implementation of the engine communication as well as the procedure call. 
com.jstatcom.engine.gauss GAUSS communication that uses an installed version of the software. 
com.jstatcom.engine.grte Gauss Runtime Engine / Gauss Engine communication. 
com.jstatcom.engine.matlab New enhanced Matlab communication. 
com.jstatcom.engine.mlab Older Matlab communication. 
com.jstatcom.engine.ox Ox communication. 
com.jstatcom.engine.rstat R communication, see 
com.jstatcom.engine.stub Communication to arbitrary system libraries without JNI wrappers. Input/output related classes as well as data import implementations. 
com.jstatcom.model Data model and Symbol Management systems. 
com.jstatcom.model.control Symbol control system. 

Uses of JSCTypes in com.jstatcom.engine

Methods in com.jstatcom.engine with parameters of type JSCTypes
 boolean Engine.isValid(JSCTypes type)
          Gets whether type can be handled by this engine.

Uses of JSCTypes in com.jstatcom.engine.gauss

Methods in com.jstatcom.engine.gauss with parameters of type JSCTypes
 boolean GaussEngine.isValid(JSCTypes type)

Uses of JSCTypes in com.jstatcom.engine.grte

Methods in com.jstatcom.engine.grte with parameters of type JSCTypes
 boolean GRTEngine.isValid(JSCTypes type)

Uses of JSCTypes in com.jstatcom.engine.matlab

Methods in com.jstatcom.engine.matlab with parameters of type JSCTypes
 boolean MatlabEngine.isValid(JSCTypes type)

Uses of JSCTypes in com.jstatcom.engine.mlab

Methods in com.jstatcom.engine.mlab with parameters of type JSCTypes
 boolean StubMlabEngine.isValid(JSCTypes type)
 boolean MLabEngine.isValid(JSCTypes type)

Uses of JSCTypes in com.jstatcom.engine.ox

Methods in com.jstatcom.engine.ox with parameters of type JSCTypes
 boolean OxEngine.isValid(JSCTypes type)
          Gets whether type can be handled by this engine.

Uses of JSCTypes in com.jstatcom.engine.rstat

Methods in com.jstatcom.engine.rstat with parameters of type JSCTypes
 boolean RStatEngine.isValid(JSCTypes type)

Uses of JSCTypes in com.jstatcom.engine.stub

Methods in com.jstatcom.engine.stub with parameters of type JSCTypes
 boolean StubEngine.isValid(JSCTypes type)

Uses of JSCTypes in

Methods in that return JSCTypes
 JSCTypes ImportTypes.type()
          Gets the data type of this import type.

Constructors in with parameters of type JSCTypes
ImportTypes(java.lang.String name, JSCTypes jscType)
          Creates a new import tyoe.

Uses of JSCTypes in com.jstatcom.model

Fields in com.jstatcom.model declared as JSCTypes
static JSCTypes JSCTypes.DATE
          Contains an single TSDate.
static JSCTypes JSCTypes.DRANGE
          Contains an single TSDateRange.
static JSCTypes JSCTypes.INT
          Contains a single Integer.
static JSCTypes JSCTypes.MAP
          Contains an single arbitrary Object.
static JSCTypes JSCTypes.NARRAY
          Contains an m x n double array.
static JSCTypes JSCTypes.NUMBER
          Contains a single Double.
static JSCTypes JSCTypes.SARRAY
          Contains an m x n String array.
static JSCTypes JSCTypes.STRING
          Contains a single String.
 JSCTypes Symbol.type
          Type of this symbol.
 JSCTypes JSCTypeDef.type
static JSCTypes JSCTypes.VOID
          Contains an single arbitrary Object.

Methods in com.jstatcom.model that return JSCTypes
 JSCTypes JSCVoid.type()
          Gets the type of this JSCData object.
 JSCTypes JSCString.type()
          Gets the type of this JSCData object.
 JSCTypes JSCSArray.type()
          Gets the type of this JSCData object.
 JSCTypes JSCNumber.type()
          Gets the type of this JSCData object.
 JSCTypes JSCNArray.type()
          Gets the type of this JSCData object.
 JSCTypes JSCMap.type()
          Gets the type of this JSCData object.
 JSCTypes JSCInt.type()
          Gets the type of this JSCData object.
 JSCTypes JSCDRange.type()
          Gets the type of this JSCData object.
 JSCTypes JSCDate.type()
          Gets the type of this JSCData object.
 JSCTypes JSCData.type()
          Gets the type of the data object.

Constructors in com.jstatcom.model with parameters of type JSCTypes
JSCTypeDef(java.lang.String name, JSCTypes type)
          Creates a type definition with a name, a type and no description.
JSCTypeDef(java.lang.String name, JSCTypes type, java.lang.String description)
          Creates a type definition with a name, a type and an optional description.

Uses of JSCTypes in com.jstatcom.model.control

Methods in com.jstatcom.model.control with parameters of type JSCTypes
 void SymbolFrame.addSymbolPanel(JSCTypes type, SymbolPanel panel)
          Sets the panel to be displayed for a certain data type.