Uses of Class

Packages that use TS Input/output related classes as well as data import implementations. 
com.jstatcom.ts Components and data types related to time series analysis. 

Uses of TS in

Methods in with parameters of type TS
 void TSMatlabHandler.exportTS( file, TS[] ts, java.lang.String description)
 void TSGaussFMTHandler.exportTS( file, TS[] ts, java.lang.String description)
 void TSGaussDATHandler.exportTS( file, TS[] ts, java.lang.String description)
 void TSExcelHandler.exportTS( file, TS[] ts, java.lang.String description)
 void TSASCIIHandler.exportTS( file, TS[] ts, java.lang.String description)
 void DataHandler.exportTS( file, TS[] ts, java.lang.String description)
          Exports time series to a file in the format that the respective implementation of this interface handles.

Uses of TS in com.jstatcom.ts

Methods in com.jstatcom.ts that return TS
 TS TS.createDiff(int periods)
          Applies the difference operator to a copy of the series and returns the new series with the name oldName + "_d" + Math.abs(periods).
 TS TS.createLog()
          Applies the log operator to a copy of the series and returns the new series with the name oldName + "_log".
 TS[] TSDateRange.createSeasDumTS(boolean centered, boolean all)
          Creates seasonal dummy series according to the periodicity of this time series.
 TS TSDateRange.createShiftDumTS(java.lang.String name, TSDateRange shiftRange)
          Creates a time series that is a shift dummy for this range.
 TS TSDateRange.createTrendShiftDumTS(java.lang.String name, TSDateRange shiftRange)
          Creates a time series that is a trend shift dummy for this range.
 TS[] TSHolder.getAllTS()
          Gets all time series.
 TS[] TSList.getSelectedTS()
          This method returns the time series selected in the list as an TS array.
 TS[] TSTable.getTS()
          Gets the TS that are in sync with the current table model.
 TS TSHolder.getTS(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves a time series for a given name.

Methods in com.jstatcom.ts with parameters of type TS
 void TSProject.addTS(TS ts)
          Adds a time series to this project.
 int TSHolder.addTS(TS newTimeSeries)
          Adds a new TS to this TSHolder.
static double[][] TS.getMergedData(TS[] tsArray)
          Gets the merged data of all time series in the given array.
static TSDateRange TSDateRange.getMergedRange(TS[] tsArray)
          Gets the merged range of all time series in the given array.
 void TSTableModel.setTS(TS[] tsArray)
          Sets the TS to be held by the model.
 void TSTable.setTS(TS[] tsArray)
          Sets the TS to be held by the table.
 void TSHolder.setTS(TS[] newTimeSeries)
          Clears all currently stored time series and adds the series contained in newTimeSeries.

Constructors in com.jstatcom.ts with parameters of type TS
TS(TS ts)
          TS copy-constructor.