Uses of Class

Packages that use JSCNArray
com.jstatcom.component GUI components with general functionality. 
com.jstatcom.equation Components to display equations. 
com.jstatcom.model Data model and Symbol Management systems. 
com.jstatcom.table Special tables for some data types. 
com.jstatcom.ts Components and data types related to time series analysis. 
com.jstatcom.util Utility classes shared by other packages. 

Uses of JSCNArray in com.jstatcom.component

Methods in com.jstatcom.component that return JSCNArray
 JSCNArray TopFrameSettings.getFrameBounds()
          Gets the 4x1 array holding location and size of the frame.

Methods in com.jstatcom.component with parameters of type JSCNArray
 void TopFrameSettings.setFrameBounds(JSCNArray frameBounds)
          Sets the 4x1 array holding location and size of the frame.

Uses of JSCNArray in com.jstatcom.equation

Methods in com.jstatcom.equation that return JSCNArray
 JSCNArray CoeffTable.getJSCNArraySubsetRes()
          Gets the data object storing the subset restrictions or null if no subset restrictions are set.

Uses of JSCNArray in com.jstatcom.model

Fields in com.jstatcom.model with type parameters of type JSCNArray
static javolution.xml.XmlFormat<JSCNArray> JSCNArray.JSCNArray_XML
          XML format field for (de)serialization.

Methods in com.jstatcom.model that return JSCNArray
 JSCNArray JSCNArray.copy()
 JSCNArray Symbol.getJSCNArray()
          Gets the data as an instance of JSCNArray.
static JSCNArray JSCNArray.valueOf( file, java.lang.String name)
          Creates an instance of this class from a data file.

Methods in com.jstatcom.model with parameters of type JSCNArray
 void JSCNArray.appendCols(JSCNArray newCols)
          Appends newCols to the right end of the value array.
 void JSCNArray.appendRows(JSCNArray newRows)
          Appends newRows to the bottom the value array.
 void JSCNArray.setVal(JSCNArray val)
          Sets the values stored in val to this JSCNArray.

Constructors in com.jstatcom.model with parameters of type JSCNArray
JSCNArray(JSCNArray narray)

Uses of JSCNArray in com.jstatcom.table

Methods in com.jstatcom.table that return JSCNArray
 JSCNArray JSCNArrayTable.getJSCNArray()
          Gets a reference of the underlying data object with the correct type.

Uses of JSCNArray in com.jstatcom.ts

Methods in com.jstatcom.ts that return JSCNArray
 JSCNArray Selection.getSelectedIndices()
          Gets the array with the selected indices in the correct order.

Methods in com.jstatcom.ts with parameters of type JSCNArray
 void Selection.setSelectedIndices(JSCNArray selectedIndices)
          Sets the array with the selected indices.

Uses of JSCNArray in com.jstatcom.util

Methods in com.jstatcom.util that return JSCNArray
static JSCNArray UData.createDeterministic(TSDateRange range, JSCNArray dummies, boolean isIntercept, boolean isSeasDum, boolean isSeasDumCentered, boolean isTrend, java.lang.String newName)
          Creates a data object with the deterministic variables to be used for estimation according to the parametrization.
static JSCNArray UData.createResMat(JSCNArray det, JSCNArray end, JSCNArray ex, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a restriction matrix to be used for model estimation.
static JSCNArray[] UData.createYZMat(JSCNArray detData, JSCNArray endData, JSCNArray exData, int endLags, int exLags, java.lang.String yName, java.lang.String zName)
          Creates the Y and Z matrices to be used for estimation.
static JSCNArray[] UData.imp2ExpRes(JSCNArray res, JSCNArray r)
          Gets the explicit representation of restrictions on the cointegrating space, given the implicit representation.
static JSCNArray UData.indexData(JSCNArray arg, java.lang.String newName)
          Gets a new array with the elements of arg being transformed into an index with the mean of each column being normalized to +100 or -100, depending on the sign of the mean.
static JSCNArray[] UData.splitDeterministics(JSCNArray dets, boolean zeroBased)
          Takes an array with deterministic terms and computes indices for the breaks of all dummy variables.
static JSCNArray UData.standardize(JSCNArray dat, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a new data object with the elements of dat divided by the standard devitation of the respective columns of dat.

Methods in com.jstatcom.util with parameters of type JSCNArray
static JSCNArray UData.createDeterministic(TSDateRange range, JSCNArray dummies, boolean isIntercept, boolean isSeasDum, boolean isSeasDumCentered, boolean isTrend, java.lang.String newName)
          Creates a data object with the deterministic variables to be used for estimation according to the parametrization.
static JSCNArray UData.createResMat(JSCNArray det, JSCNArray end, JSCNArray ex, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a restriction matrix to be used for model estimation.
static JSCNArray[] UData.createYZMat(JSCNArray detData, JSCNArray endData, JSCNArray exData, int endLags, int exLags, java.lang.String yName, java.lang.String zName)
          Creates the Y and Z matrices to be used for estimation.
static boolean UData.hasFullColumnRank(JSCNArray arg, int truncationLag)
          Checks the rank of arg after deleting the first truncationLag rows of it.
static JSCNArray[] UData.imp2ExpRes(JSCNArray res, JSCNArray r)
          Gets the explicit representation of restrictions on the cointegrating space, given the implicit representation.
static JSCNArray UData.indexData(JSCNArray arg, java.lang.String newName)
          Gets a new array with the elements of arg being transformed into an index with the mean of each column being normalized to +100 or -100, depending on the sign of the mean.
static JSCNArray[] UData.splitDeterministics(JSCNArray dets, boolean zeroBased)
          Takes an array with deterministic terms and computes indices for the breaks of all dummy variables.
static JSCNArray UData.standardize(JSCNArray dat, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a new data object with the elements of dat divided by the standard devitation of the respective columns of dat.