Uses of Interface

Packages that use JSCData
com.jstatcom.engine Abstract implementation of the engine communication as well as the procedure call. 
com.jstatcom.engine.gauss GAUSS communication that uses an installed version of the software. 
com.jstatcom.engine.grte Gauss Runtime Engine / Gauss Engine communication. 
com.jstatcom.engine.matlab New enhanced Matlab communication. 
com.jstatcom.engine.mlab Older Matlab communication. 
com.jstatcom.engine.ox Ox communication. 
com.jstatcom.engine.rstat R communication, see 
com.jstatcom.engine.stub Communication to arbitrary system libraries without JNI wrappers. Input/output related classes as well as data import implementations. 
com.jstatcom.model Data model and Symbol Management systems. 
com.jstatcom.project Project and settings management systems. 
com.jstatcom.table Special tables for some data types. 
com.jstatcom.ts Components and data types related to time series analysis. 
com.jstatcom.util Utility classes shared by other packages. 

Uses of JSCData in com.jstatcom.engine

Methods in com.jstatcom.engine with parameters of type JSCData
 void procName, JSCData[] args, JSCData[] retData)
          Adapter to that uses engine().
 void procName, JSCData[] args, JSCData[] retData)
          Adapter to that uses engine().
 void procName, JSCData[] args, JSCData[] retData)
          Calls a procedure with input and return parameters specified.
 void procName, JSCData[] args, JSCData[] retData)
          Calls a procedure with input and return parameters specified.
 void Engine.load(java.lang.String module, LoadTypes loadType, JSCData... args)
          Loads an engine specific type that is defined by a load type.
 void PCall.load(java.lang.String module, LoadTypes loadType, JSCData[] args)
          Adapter to Engine.load that uses engine().

Uses of JSCData in com.jstatcom.engine.gauss

Methods in com.jstatcom.engine.gauss with parameters of type JSCData
 void procName, JSCData[] args, JSCData[] retData)
          Executes a procedure with input and return parameters specified.
 void procName, JSCData[] args, JSCData[] retData)
          Executes a procedure with input and return parameters specified.
 void GaussEngine.load(java.lang.String loadName, LoadTypes loadType, JSCData... args)
          Loads a module according to the load type.
 void[] rtArray)
          Reads all variables defined in varNames from GAUSS.
 void GaussEngine.write(JSCData[] engineData)
          Write a data array to GAUSS.

Uses of JSCData in com.jstatcom.engine.grte

Methods in com.jstatcom.engine.grte with parameters of type JSCData
 void procName, JSCData[] args, JSCData[] retData)
          Calls a procedure with input and return parameters specified.
 void procName, JSCData[] args, JSCData[] retData)
          Calls a procedure with input and return parameters specified.
 void GRTEngine.load(java.lang.String loadName, LoadTypes loadType, JSCData... args)
          Loads a module according to the load type.

Uses of JSCData in com.jstatcom.engine.matlab

Methods in com.jstatcom.engine.matlab with parameters of type JSCData
 void procName, JSCData[] args, JSCData[] retData)
          Makes a call to procName in the native library that was loaded before.
 void procName, JSCData[] args, JSCData[] retData)
          Makes a call to procName in the native library that was loaded before.
 void MatlabEngine.load(java.lang.String module, LoadTypes loadType, JSCData... args)
          Sets the name of the native library to be used or loads an executable.

Uses of JSCData in com.jstatcom.engine.mlab

Methods in com.jstatcom.engine.mlab with parameters of type JSCData
 void procName, JSCData[] args, JSCData[] retData)
          Makes a call to procName in the native library that was loaded before.
 void procName, JSCData[] args, JSCData[] retData)
          Makes a call to procName in the native library that was loaded before.
 void procName, JSCData[] args, JSCData[] retData)
          Makes a call to procName in the native library that was loaded before.
 void procName, JSCData[] args, JSCData[] retData)
          Makes a call to procName in the native library that was loaded before.
 void StubMlabEngine.load(java.lang.String module, LoadTypes loadType, JSCData... args)
          Sets the name of the native library to be used or loads an executable.
 void MLabEngine.load(java.lang.String module, LoadTypes loadType, JSCData... args)
          Sets the name of the native library to be used or loads an executable.

Uses of JSCData in com.jstatcom.engine.ox

Methods in com.jstatcom.engine.ox with parameters of type JSCData
 void procName, JSCData[] args, JSCData[] retData)
          Makes a call to a memberfunction of an Ox object.
 void procName, JSCData[] args, JSCData[] retData)
          Makes a call to a memberfunction of an Ox object.
 void OxEngine.load(java.lang.String loadName, LoadTypes loadType, JSCData... args)
          Loads a module according to the load type.

Uses of JSCData in com.jstatcom.engine.rstat

Methods in com.jstatcom.engine.rstat with parameters of type JSCData
 void procName, JSCData[] args, JSCData[] retData)
          Invokes an R function with input and return parameters.
 void procName, JSCData[] args, JSCData[] retData)
          Invokes an R function with input and return parameters.
 void RStatEngine.load(java.lang.String module, LoadTypes loadType, JSCData... args)
          Loads an R module, two cases are available: 1) loadType == RStatLoadTypes.RPACKAGE calls library(module) in R, the module must be installed for R 2) loadType == RStatLoadTypes.USERCODE expands module to a pathname relative to .

Uses of JSCData in com.jstatcom.engine.stub

Methods in com.jstatcom.engine.stub with parameters of type JSCData
 void procName, JSCData[] args, JSCData[] retData)
          Makes a call to procName in the native library that was loaded before.
 void procName, JSCData[] args, JSCData[] retData)
          Makes a call to procName in the native library that was loaded before.
 void StubEngine.load(java.lang.String module, LoadTypes loadType, JSCData... args)
          Sets the name of the native library to be used.

Uses of JSCData in

Methods in that return JSCData
 JSCData TSMatlabHandler.getData(ImportTypes type)
          Gets the imported data according to an instance of TSImportTypes.
 JSCData TSGaussFMTHandler.getData(ImportTypes type)
          Gets the imported data according to an instance of TSImportTypes.
 JSCData TSGaussDATHandler.getData(ImportTypes type)
          Gets the imported data according to an instance of TSImportTypes.
 JSCData TSExcelHandler.getData(ImportTypes type)
          Gets the imported data according to an instance of TSImportTypes.
 JSCData TSASCIIHandler.getData(ImportTypes type)
          Gets the imported data according to an instance of TSImportTypes.
 JSCData DataHandler.getData(ImportTypes type)
          Gets the imported data according to the respective type, which defines the kind of information to retrieve from the imported dataset.

Methods in with parameters of type JSCData
 void TSMatlabHandler.exportData( file, JSCData data, java.lang.String description)
 void TSGaussFMTHandler.exportData( file, JSCData data, java.lang.String description)
 void TSGaussDATHandler.exportData( file, JSCData data, java.lang.String description)
 void TSExcelHandler.exportData( file, JSCData data, java.lang.String description)
 void TSASCIIHandler.exportData( file, JSCData data, java.lang.String description)
          Exports data to a file in ASCII format.
 void DataHandler.exportData( file, JSCData data, java.lang.String description)
          Exports data to a file in the format that the respective implementation of this interface handles.

Uses of JSCData in com.jstatcom.model

Classes in com.jstatcom.model that implement JSCData
 class AbstractJSCData
          Abstract implementation of JSCData which provides default functionality for handling the different listeners.
 class JSCDate
          Adapter to TSDate objects that conforms to the JSCData interface.
 class JSCDRange
          Adapter to TSDateRange objects that conforms to the JSCData interface.
 class JSCInt
          An integer representation that conforms to the JSCData interface.
 class JSCMap
          An object wrapper that conforms to the JSCData interface.
 class JSCNArray
          A wrapper for 2-dimensional number arrays that conforms to the JSCData interface.
 class JSCNumber
          A number representation that conforms to the JSCData interface.
 class JSCSArray
          A wrapper for string arrays that conforms to the JSCData interface.
 class JSCString
          A string wrapper that conforms to the JSCData interface.
 class JSCVoid
          An object wrapper that conforms to the JSCData interface.

Methods in com.jstatcom.model that return JSCData
 JSCData JSCData.copy()
          Gets a copy of the current object.
 JSCData JSCTypeDef.getInstance()
          Gets an empty instance of this typedef with the same name.
 JSCData Symbol.getJSCData()
          Gets a reference to the underlying data object.
 JSCData SymbolTable.getJSCData(JSCTypeDef def)
          Gets the JSCData stored in the symbol with given
 JSCData JSCDataEvent.getSource()
          Gets the data object where the event was fired from.
abstract  JSCData JSCTypes.valueOfEmpty(java.lang.String name)
          Gets an empty JSCData instance for the specified type.

Methods in com.jstatcom.model with parameters of type JSCData
 boolean JSCVoid.isEqual(JSCData o)
 boolean JSCString.isEqual(JSCData o)
 boolean JSCSArray.isEqual(JSCData o)
 boolean JSCNumber.isEqual(JSCData o)
 boolean JSCNArray.isEqual(JSCData o)
 boolean JSCMap.isEqual(JSCData o)
          Checks whether both objects contain the same keys only.
 boolean JSCInt.isEqual(JSCData o)
 boolean JSCDRange.isEqual(JSCData o)
 boolean JSCDate.isEqual(JSCData o)
 boolean JSCData.isEqual(JSCData other)
          Gets whether the values of this data object and other are logically equal.
 void SymbolTable.set(JSCData data)
          Adds a new JSCData object to the collection.
 void SymbolTable.set(JSCData[] data)
          Adds an array of JSCData objects to the collection.
 void SymbolTable.set(java.lang.String symbolName, JSCData data)
          Adds a new JSCData object to the collection.
 void Symbol.setJSCData(JSCData newData)
          Sets the reference of this symbol to a new data object.
static JSCDataEvent JSCDataEvent.valueOfChanged(JSCData source, java.lang.Object oldValue, java.lang.Object newValue)
          Gets an instance of this for events of type JSCDataEventTypes.VALUE_CHANGED.
static JSCDataEvent JSCDataEvent.valueOfEmptyState(JSCData source, boolean isEmptyNow)
          Gets an instance of this for events of type JSCDataEventTypes.EMPTY_STATE.

Constructors in com.jstatcom.model with parameters of type JSCData
JSCDataEvent(JSCData source, JSCDataEventTypes type, java.lang.Object oldValue, java.lang.Object newValue)
          Creates a JSCDataEvent.
Symbol(JSCData data)
          Creates a Symbol with data.getName a reference to data.
Symbol(java.lang.String name, JSCData data)
          Creates a Symbol with name and a reference to data.

Uses of JSCData in com.jstatcom.project

Methods in com.jstatcom.project that return JSCData
 JSCData[] ProjectData.getJSCData()
          Gets the data that has been stored as a JSCData array. ´* Implementation classes should document how the returned array is assembled.

Methods in com.jstatcom.project with parameters of type JSCData
 void ProjectData.setJSCData(JSCData[] dataArray)
          Sets the data to be stored as a JSCData array.

Uses of JSCData in com.jstatcom.table

Methods in com.jstatcom.table that return JSCData
 JSCData JSCAbstractTableModel.getJSCData()
          Gets the JSCData object represented by this model.
 JSCData JSCAbstractDataTable.getJSCData()
          Gets a reference (not a copy) to the data object displayed in this table.

Methods in com.jstatcom.table with parameters of type JSCData
abstract  void JSCMouseListenerTypes.clicked(JSCAbstractDataTable table, JSCData data, int row, int col)
          Invoked by mouseClicked if a single click on the underlying data table occured.
abstract  void JSCMouseListenerTypes.doubleClicked(JSCAbstractDataTable table, JSCData data, int row, int col)
          Invoked by mouseClicked if a double click on the underlying data table occured.
 void JSCAbstractDataTable.setJSCData(JSCData data)
          Sets the data object to be displayed in this table.
 void JSCSArrayTable.setModelForJSCData(JSCData data)
 void JSCNArrayTable.setModelForJSCData(JSCData data)
abstract  void JSCAbstractDataTable.setModelForJSCData(JSCData data)
          Sets the table model for a data object.

Uses of JSCData in com.jstatcom.ts

Methods in com.jstatcom.ts that return JSCData
 JSCData[] TSProjectData.getJSCData()
          Gets the project data as an array of JSCData objects.

Methods in com.jstatcom.ts with parameters of type JSCData
 void TSProjectData.setJSCData(JSCData[] dataArray)
          Sets the data array for the underlying data.

Uses of JSCData in com.jstatcom.util

Methods in com.jstatcom.util that return JSCData
static JSCData[] UData.mergeTS(JSCSArray namesOfData, java.lang.String nameDat, java.lang.String nameRange)
          Merges time series with possibly different length and fills them with missing values at the beginning and/or the end.